We’ve teamed up with the crew from boating app Deckee for a new column to help you stay safe and enjoy better boating.

Fast 5: Boating Safety Advice

  • BE PREPARED: Water can be dangerous. Be prepared, pick your weather carefully, plan your trip and go through your pre-departure checklist.
  • WEAR A LIFE JACKET: Life jackets don’t just help keep you afloat. They help conserve energy and give you time to get back into your vessel or for assistance to arrive..
  • BRIEF THE CREW: Give everyone on board a safety briefing, ensure they know how to fit their life jacket properly and explain the plan if someone falls overboard.
  • KNOW WHAT TO DO: Be aware of all possible scenarios that could happen and anticipate what to do. Practising and rehearsing will help you act quickly when it happens.
  • KNOW YOUR VESSEL: Open runabouts and paddle craft are some of the most popular vessels on our waterways. However, on these vessels, people are more likely to end up in the water through capsizing, swamping, or falling overboard. Know your limits and that of your vessel.

Deckee is the free boating app for local information, trip logging, weather, navigational aids and official alerts and notices. Visit deckee.com

Read the full column in the October-November issue of Nautilus Marine Magazine.